Don't get too excited my biblically ignorant atheist friends...actually, in context, this is how it reads, "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good." Psalm 14:1. Today is April Fools Day or as I like to call it, National Atheist Day. Actually, I will be extending this day for this first week of April, and declare it National Atheist Week by posting blogs about "The fools..." The Bible is not name-calling here, but describing what Atheists really are. And what is that? That atheists are mentally dull. By rejecting God, atheists are reduced to absurdity in their reasoning because they cannot make sense out of the world in which they live; which includes morality, rationality, science, human dignity, and more. Atheists refuse to take what is obvious to everybody and draw out the conclusions and worship Him. Romans Chapter 1:18-22 confirms this because the atheists refuse to acknowledge God, their reasoning becomes futile. In this next week, I will be directing you to great articles about the foolishness of atheism and the arguments they love to press and...avoid.
Today's great article is entitled, "Why Atheism Fails: The Four Big Bangs", by Frank Pastore, Christian talk show radio host and former Major League Baseball pitcher.
Here are his Four Big Bangs:
- The Cosmological (the universe “just popped” into existence out of nothingness).
- The Biological (life “just popped” into existence out of a dead thing)
- The Psychological (mind “just popped” into existence out of a brain)
- and the Moral (morality “just popped” into existence out of amorality).