Thursday, March 6, 2008

Should parents without teaching credentials be allowed to homeschool their children?

A state appeals court on 2/29/08 has decided California parents without teaching credentials do not have a right to home-school their children. I'm not a lawyer, but as I understand it, this ruling will go into effect 30 days after the decision. And I doubt that it will be enforced. The homeschool community, which I am part of, will not allow this biased decision to go into law without a fight. Saying that a parent needs to hold a teaching credential is a red herring. It's a militant way for the education mafia to take thought control of a captive audience....OUR KIDS! Again, the strong secularist arm uses the liberal court system and not by a vote of the people to get what they want.

I don't understand it. A rich country like the USA has some of the highest dropout rates of high school students and high literacy rates. Some HS graduates can't even read or fill out an job application or write a blog ;) and they were taught by credentialed teachers? Obviously, there's something bigger going on here. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

It shouldn't matter if a parent is credentialed. I learned my first language from my mom, who was a single working mom. CA is trying to dig up money from foxholes.


Steve Solis said...

Great point Dan! I learned auto mechanics from my brother and he wasn't credentialed either. I was glad to hear Gov. Arnold Schw. was going to reject enforcement of ludicrous assault. Thanks for viewing!

Anonymous said...

"Credentialed" doesn't necessarily mean that the parent is required to be a licensed educator.

Some form of training or preparation should be essential before a parent is allowed to homeschool children.

Otherwise, you might wind up with a group of slack-jawed morons that knows every story in the Bible, but has no idea what the Bill of Rights is about.

Steve Solis said...

"Some form of training or preparation should be essential before a parent is allowed to homeschool children."

Why? What is your reasoning for this? The whole purpose of homeschooling is similar as to why the Pilgrams left be free from the State, isn't it?

"Otherwise, you might wind up with a group of slack-jawed morons that knows every story in the Bible, but has no idea what the Bill of Rights is about.'

Please, let's leave the name-calling to the non-rational blogs. If you want to submit to the level of 3rd grade, "I know you are but what am I?" sandbox tactics, do that elsewhere.